Home… ALONE!

Armydad left a bit ago to go get our boys.  They are at my mom’s house.  He will spend 2 1/2 hours in the car, then take them over to his parent’s house.  His mom is making a huge meal and has invited family over for a going away party.  He will head back home with the boys at bedtime tonight.  I wanted to go, but I am supposed to be taking it easy.  I had my back injection yesterday, so 5 hours spent in the car would be torture.

I am feeling great!  Yesterday I was a little tired and loopy.  (I was given a mild sedative.)  And I was sore.  But, overall, the procedure was quick and easy.  It is a time released injection so it is supposed to take a few days to work.  I am already feeling relief!

I am going to sit and rest when I need to today, but I am also going to try and get some stuff done around here.  I want to make pumpkin bread, wrap Christmas gifts, and finish a little sewing.  The Christmas gifts may have to end up waiting.  That may prove to be too much leaning and bending. 

I have never been alone at home for longer than a couple hours.  This is kind of weird!

One thought on “Home… ALONE!

  1. So glad to hear it was already helping! Back relief over the next several months is a great thing!

    Hmm _ Why can’t they do something like that so women wouldn’thave to feel cramps for a year???

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